Tag Archives for " Red Wine "

Happy Birthday Cabernet Franc

The Fourth of December is International Cabernet Franc Day (or CabFranc Day) – the holiday day for our foundation and signature grape variety. This is Cabernet Franc’s opportunity to take the spotlight as one of the world’s great (and very unique)  grape varietals. The wine world owes a lot to Cabernet Franc. If you are […]

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Top 7 Wine World Disrupters

Late last week, I had the pleasure of participating in a very well run and thought provoking Disruption workshop led by David Platt and Larry Quick from Resilient Futures in Melbourne. Reflecting afterwards, I quickly found myself wearing my Paradise Rescued Founder Director’s hat and compiling a short list of potential Disrupting Factors, which I […]

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5 degrees of separation make Bordeaux Wine success

I have heard all extremes here in the Bordeaux vineyards over the last three weeks ranging from very sad tales of back to back harvest failures to extremely small harvests and even exuberant social media postings of mega success. Making a Bordeaux Wine success in 2018 required continual attention and hard work. And many degrees […]

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The heat is (full) on in Bordeaux

Europe is having a (really) hot summer. Tragic fires have torched parts of Greece. Many parts of southern Europe are starting to resemble Australia in prolonged heat and temperature. The global warm-up continues. And in the vineyards? The heat is (full) on in Bordeaux! 2018 is shaping up as a year of incredible contrast. In […]

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Bordeaux Vineyard Summer Solstice

I can’t think of a better time of year than the summer solstice in a Bordeaux vineyard. And right now, I am completely jealous of some friends now who are holidaying at the Paradise Rescued property and winery in Cardan Bordeaux. And who keep sending me lots of lovely photos taken from the kitchen terrace […]

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What is Cabernet Franc?

There is a lot to clear up in this little blog post! What is Cabernet Franc? Of course, it’s a wine type or grape varietal. But what are its’ characteristics? Where are its’ origins? What does it taste like? Where is it grown? What’s its’ popularity. Maybe it is better to start by clearing up […]

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