I have already heard a lot of New Year’s resolutions or wishes for something better to happen. Sadly most of those wishes are exactly that and have already been discarded even though the person who made them really did want some change to happen. Maybe they didn’t actually know how to make something happen and hoped that luck would intervene. So we thought we would do a quick “learning and Leadership” blog this week – here is a 5 step process to turn your resolutions into reality. This is the one we use.
Dream Goal Strategy Action Persist
That’s it – simple, yes? Well not that simple but worthwhile when you get the results you want. Let’s open up each section a bit more:-
- Dream. As American speaker and leader Skip Ross puts it – “Get a clear mental picture of what you want, fill it with emotion and hang on” It all starts with the dream, that vision of what you want. We encourage everyone to turn their dream into a visible picture, a drawing or something you can look at every day to remind and motivate you for what you want. I have posted our old one as the image with this post – our 2015 Vision is nearly complete.
- Goal. The English phrase reads “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. Very true and neither are our dreams. Break it down into manageable specific attainable pieces, set a timeline for their achievement. Then write down your goals and timelines and review them regularly alongside your dream.
- Strategy. I love the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. Most people think it’s about making money. You can interpret it that way but the key emphasis is on the “Think” component. Most people think more about how they are going to get to their holiday destination than how they are going to make their lives more of what they want. Think, plan, brainstorm and come up with a strategy to make your goals reality.
- Action. Having a great plan is nice but unless you take that first step, nothing will happen. Sometimes it’s scary, right? Feel the fear and do it anyway. That’s growing. Get someone to help you or hold you accountable. Take the first small step. Do it NOW!
- Persist. How often do we hear the comment “Oh, I tried that last month, but it didn’t work!” Well try again and again until it does work. If your plan is realistic and attainable then keep going until. Roadblocks will appear, difficulties will arise – it’s a guarantee for any good project. As Winston Churchill famously said to a graduating class at Oxford University “Never give up”.
We can’t wait to hear your stories as we keep sharing our progress here on a weekly basis. Remember you are good enough, you deserve success and you can do it! If I didn’t believe that, this blog would never have happened! Happy 2012![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]