Inpsired by “Wired for Wonder”

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We were inspired at Wired for Wonder - Melbourne 2015

                 We were inspired at Wired for Wonder – Melbourne 2015

Let me start with a big thank you to Paradise Rescued customer and brand ambassador extraordinaire Victor Caune who together with the University of Melbourne Centre of Workplace Leadership kindly organised a ticket for me – and pushed / pulled to ensure my attendance – at the inaugural Melbourne production of Wired for Wonder.

Wired for Wonder is a different one-day experience. It’s not a conference. It was more like a full on event – no single word can describe the mix of different thoughts, leadership, learning and futurism that was presented to us. It went out in different diverse ways to unpredictable corners of thinking to challenge attendees to try and connect ideas and thinking in a positive and proactive way.

It was important for our Vision; to realise that there will and must be a vision beyond our current vision and ceiling limits of our thinking. But also it was important to hear other people affirm that a Vision is key to leadership and an organisation, no matter how small. But it’s nice to hear it from both Guy Kawasaki, Chief Evangelist at Canva and formerly Apple as well as Cindy Gallup, Advertising Woman of the Year 2003 and founder CEO of Yes quite a challenging mental difference there?

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Nice quote - we need to grow and expand our horizons of what is possible

   Nice quote – we need to grow and expand our horizons of what is possible

To witness and be inspired by giants of the business world or to listen to (and be humbled) by 18 year old Jake Andraka who invented breakthrough early cancer screening tests at the age of just 15. It was a different day, but to gain more key leadership tips, to understand the value of pragmatic optimism and get a futurist glimpse into the excitement of the world that we are part of creating. We all have a role to play.

Sometimes we all need to give our thinking a quick shake-up. Which is why in my book “From Cabbage Patch to Cabernet Franc” I write the line “Our paradigms of what is possible are limited by the artificial ceilings of others achievements”. We need to expand our vision and horizons.

Thank you Wired for Wonder for an amazing day.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]